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Youth Boys Apr 03, 2016

Youth Soccer Top 25 Twitter Rankings entering April 2016

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2016 Rankings: January | February | March has launched a new monthly feature which spotlights the 25 youth soccer organizations that have accumulated the largest audiences on Twitter.

Entering April 2016, the fourth edition of the rankings, U.S. Soccer’s Youth National Teams (@ussoccer_ynt) Twitter account once again takes the top spot in the overall rankings, with their 69,274 followers ahead of runner-up US Youth Soccer (@USYouthSoccer) at 35,424 followers. Each of the top seven accounts remain in their previous positions, while a total of six accounts between the No. 8 and No. 25 positions experienced shifts during the month of March.

Overall Rankings


The Dr Pepper Dallas Cup (@dallascup) experienced the largest increase by percentage (12.5%), with 982 new followers in March. Host club FC Dallas Youth (@FCDallasYouth) also benefited from the running of the Dallas Cup, seeing the second-largest increase in followers by percentage with 4.7% and 189 total.

+Read: Dure: “Development vs. winning” can be taken to extremes in youth soccer

The aforementioned U.S. Soccer Youth National Teams account had the largest total increase in followers with 3,006 along with the third-highest percentage increase with 4.5%.

Once again, the Virginia Youth Soccer Association (@vayouthsoccer) saw the largest percentage increase for any state association with 4.4% and 141 total followers.

Rounding out the top five is the Jefferson Cup (@jeffersoncup) with a 4.3% increase and 142 new followers after the event held its 2016 edition during March.

+Read: Players That Impressed: Jefferson Cup 2016 Girls Showcase

March Statistics

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