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College Recruiting Oct 27, 2016

NCAA Women’s Soccer Commitment Announcements: October 2016


The NCAA Soccer Commitment Tracker is presented by the Jefferson Cup, one of the nation’s top college showcase tournaments.

The following players have reported their NCAA women’s soccer commitments for the recruiting classes of 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 during the month of October 2016.

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NCAA Women’s Soccer Commitment Tracker
Class of 2016 | Class of 2017 | Class of 2018 | Class of 2019

NCAA Women’s Commitment Announcements
April | May | June | July | August | September

Class of 2017

palo-alto-scImage result for westminster college athleticsMara Zenger – Defender
Youth Club: Palo Alto SC (CA)
Commitment: Westminster

palo-alto-sclong-beach-state Gabriella Marta – Midfielder
Youth Club: Palo Alto SC (CA)
Commitment: Long Beach State

palo-alto-scImage result for san jose state athleticsLauola Amanoni – Defender
Youth Club: Palo Alto SC (CA)
Commitment: San Jose State

richmond-spidersCassidy Bennetti – Defender
Youth Club: Kirkwood SC (DE)
Commitment: Richmond

utah-avalancheKathleen Whittington – Defender
Youth Club: Utah Avalanche (UT)
Commitment: Johns Hopkins

Chantilly-SC-logoAllison Kite – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Chantilly SC (VA)
Commitment: Wingate

florida-kraze-krush-logobucknell-newJenna Marek – Forward
Youth Club: Florida Kraze Krush (FL)
Commitment: Bucknell

AtlantaFirelogoamerican-universityMorgan Brinson – Midfielder
Youth Club: Atlanta Fire United (GA)
Commitment: American

missouriZoe Cross – Midfielder
Youth Club: Chelsea FC (ENG)
Commitment: Missouri

ALBIONSCuc irvine logoLauren McKimmey – Defender
Youth Club: Albion SC (CA)
Commitment: UC Irvine

challenge-scuniversity-of-houstonPaige Pfau – Defender
Youth Club: Challenge SC (TX)
Commitment: Houston

ALBIONSCClaudia Hodgetts – Midfielder
Youth Club: Albion SC (CA)
Commitment: Chicago

Brooke Ianiero – Defender
Youth Club: Niagara Regional (CND)
Commitment: Texas Southern

NJ-Stallions-AcademyGabriela Gamory – Midfielder
Youth Club: Force FC / NJ Stallions (NJ)
Commitment: Hartford

New Jersey WildcatsSouth-Florida-BullsAshley Meade – Forward
Youth Club: NJ Wildcats (NJ)
Commitment: South Florida

lou-fusz-scEmma Garner – Defender
Youth Club: Lou Fusz SC (IL)
Commitment: Southwest Baptist

palo-alto-scbrown-universityMaria Guerrero Martinez – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Palo Alto SC (CA)
Commitment: Brown

ASA Crest StartumbcRachel Bohli – Forward
Youth Club: Arundel SA (MD)
Commitment: UMBC

crossfire-premierMaddie Robinson – Defender
Youth Club: Crossfire Premier (WA)
Commitment: Gonzaga

Univ. of St. ThomasSarah Pasternak – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Brookfield SA (WI)
Commitment: St. Thomas

vincent-unitedelonCaylin Meikrantz – Midfielder
Youth Club: Vincent United F.C. (PA)
Commitment: Elon

ChallegeSC-logoImage result for mcneese state athletics logoSarah Johnson – Defender
Youth Club: Challenge SC (TX)
Commitment: McNeese State

mustang-scMichigan_WolverinesSamantha DeVecchi – Midfielder
Youth Club: Mustang SC (CA)
Commitment: Michigan

CrossfireUnited-logoImage result for utah athletics logoSarajean Edwards – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Crossfire United Oregon (OR)
Commitment: Utah

sc-del-solnorthern-iowaMegan Wright – Forward
Youth Club: SC Del Sol (AZ)
Commitment: Northern Iowa

Class of 2018

palo-alto-scwashington-stateHailey Smith – Forward
Youth Club: Palo Alto SC (CA)
Commitment: Washington State

palo-alto-scboston-universityLily Perryman – Defender
Youth Club: Palo Alto SC (CA)
Commitment: Boston University

palo-alto-scupenn-logoJosephine Cotto – Forward
Youth Club: Palo Alto SC (CA)
Commitment: UPenn

palo-alto-scunlvHaley Chitwood – Midfielder
Youth Club: Palo Alto SC (CA)
Commitment: UNLV

pdaGeorgetown-HoyasJenna Royson – Defender
Youth Club: PDA (NJ)
Commitment: Georgetown

Richmond United bar logovmi logoGabby Criscione – Defender
Youth Club: Richmond United (VA)
Commitment: VMI

DePaul-Blue-DemonsMollie Eriksson – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Ottawa South United (CND)
Commitment: DePaul

fcvirginiauniversity-of-georgiaBella Ponzi – Midfielder
Youth Club: FC Virginia (VA)
Commitment: Georgia

OP-ohiopremier-NEWlogorichmond-spidersMolly Morgan – Forward
Youth Club: Ohio Premier (OH)
Commitment: Richmond

indiana-firebelmont-bruinsRachel Vernon – Midfielder
Youth Club: Indiana Fire Juniors (IN)
Commitment: Belmont

ColoradoStorm-CO-logodenver-universityCamryn Macmillan – Midfielder
Youth Club: Colorado Storm (CO)
Commitment: Denver

indiana-fireindiana-universityMadeline Essick – Midfielder
Youth Club: Indiana Fire Juniors (IN)
Commitment: Indiana

continentalfc1FGCU_EaglesAshlee Brentlinger – Midfielder
Youth Club: Continental FC (PA)
Commitment: Florida Gulf Coast

challenge-scTeia Haynes – Forward
Youth Club: Challenge SC (TX)
Commitment: Stephen F. Austin

scottsdalesoccer-az-logohigh-point-universityLindsay Shipley – Forward
Youth Club: Scottsdale Blackhawks (AZ)
Commitment: High Point

scottsdalesoccer-az-logoeastern-washingtonAshley Valdiviso – Forward
Youth Club: Scottsdale Blackhawks (AZ)
Commitment: Eastern Washington

scottsdalesoccer-az-logoarizona-wildcatsKendyll Humphrys – Forward
Youth Club: Scottsdale Blackhawks (AZ)
Commitment: Arizona

fc-pennsylvaniast-johns-red-stormEmma Weirich – Defender
Youth Club: FC Pennsylvania (PA)
Commitment: St. John’s

burlington-yscPrintMorgan McAslan – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Burlington SC (CND)
Commitment: Mississippi

PleasantonRage-logopacificNicole Lee – Midfielder
Youth Club: Pleasanton Rage (CA)
Commitment: Pacific

World Class FC logoloyola marylandNicole Thomas – Midfielder
Youth Club: World Class FC (NY)
Commitment: Loyola Maryland

cleveland-stateCUP-LogoCierra Crosby – Forward
Youth Club: Cincinnati United Premier (OH)
Commitment: Cleveland State

Maryland United Logo - Newtennessee-utAbbey Burdette – Forward
Youth Club: Maryland United FC (MD)
Commitment: Tennessee

Sporting Santa ClaraNatalie Meyer – Defender
Youth Club: Santa Clara Sporting (CA)
Commitment: Sonoma State

Richmond United bar logoAlisha Holcombe – Midfielder
Youth Club: Richmond United (VA)
Commitment: Gardner-Webb

BirminghamUnited-logoauburnJulia Pack – Midfielder
Youth Club: Birmingham United (AL)
Commitment: Auburn

Charlotte SA logouniversity-of-north-carolina-logo-300x241Mary Elliott McCabe – Forward
Youth Club: Charlotte Soccer Academy (NC)
Commitment: North Carolina

 Morgen Metzger – MidfieldervalparaisoImage result for michigan nationals soccer
Youth Club: Nationals (MI)
Commitment: Valparaiso

la-roca-utahImage result for gonzaga athletics logoMacy Martinez – Forward
Youth Club: La Roca (UT)
Commitment: Gonzaga

Image result for gonzaga athletics logoRealColorado-LogoHaley Archuleta – Defender
Youth Club: Real Colorado (CO)
Commitment: Gonzaga

Image result for gonzaga athletics logodelmar-ca-logoGabriela Maas – Defender
Youth Club: Del Mar Carmel Valley Sharks (CA)
Commitment: Gonzaga

OP-ohiopremier-NEWlogokentuckyLyda Bogdanovitch – Forward
Youth Club: Ohio Premier (OH)
Commitment: Kentucky

fc-stars-of-mass-newuconn-newRachael Diodati – Defender
Youth Club: FC Stars of Mass (MA)
Commitment: Connecticut

Image result for susa soccerImage result for hofstra athleticsKrista Agostinello – Defender
Youth Club: SUSA (NY)
Commitment: Hofstra

Image result for susa soccerImage result for fairfield athleticsStephanie Tsangaris – Forward
Youth Club: SUSA (NY)
Commitment: Fairfield

WestFloridaFlames-logoFGCU_EaglesAlyssa Abbondandolo – Forward
Youth Club: West Florida Flames (FL)
Commitment: Florida Gulf Coast

FGCU_Eaglescontinentalfc1Ashlee Brentlinger – Midfielder
Youth Club: Continental FC DELCO (PA)
Commitment: Florida Gulf Coast

Image result for greeneville galaxy soccerkentuckyHannah Leonard – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Greeneville Galaxy (TN)
Commitment: Kentucky

eagles-scuc irvine logoHelen Burke – Forward
Youth Club: Camarillo Eagles (CA)
Commitment: UC Irvine

PleasantonRage-logopacificNicole Lee – Midfielder
Youth Club: Pleasanton Rage (CA)
Commitment: Pacific

Class of 2019

fcbucks-newlogooduKathleen Rivera – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: FC Bucks (PA)
Commitment: Old Dominion

bethesda_soccer_club_634761831182458720west-virginia-universityJuliana Lynch – Midfielder
Youth Club: Bethesda SC (MD)
Commitment: West Virginia

unlvHeatFC-NVAlysa Caso – Forward
Youth Club: Heat FC (NV)
Commitment: UNLV

SLSG-logomissouriJadyn Easley – Forward
Youth Club: St. Louis Scott Gallagher (MO)
Commitment: Missouri

Richmond United bar logotennessee-utLindsey Romig – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Richmond United (VA)
Commitment: Tennessee

Match FitVillanova-WildcatsMadeline Pokorny – Defender
Youth Club: Match Fit Academy (NJ)
Commitment: Villanova

de anzasanta-clara-universityRiley Burrill – Midfielder
Youth Club: De Anza Force (CA)
Commitment: Santa Clara

bethesda_soccer_club_634761831182458720Notre-Dame-Fighting-IrishHannah Sellinger – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Bethesda SC (MD)
Commitment: Notre Dame

casl-logo-newuniversity-of-north-carolina-logo-300x241Marzia Josephson – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: CASL (NC)
Commitment: North Carolina

MichiganWolvesHawks-logowisconsin_badgersIzzy Verdugo – Defender
Youth Club: Michigan Hawks (MI)
Commitment: Wisconsin

solarsc-tx-logooklahoma-soonersTaylor Tufts – Midfielder
Youth Club: Solar Chelsea SC (TX)
Commitment: Oklahoma

ColoradoStorm-CO-logoTori Parker – Midfielder
Youth Club: Colorado Storm (CO)
Commitment: Wyoming

texas-longhornsconcorde-fireLauryn Oliver – Forward
Youth Club: Concorde Fire (GA)
Commitment: Texas

Image result for gonzaga athletics logowest_coast_fcAllison Pelstring – Midfielder
Youth Club: West Coast FC (CA)
Commitment: Gonzaga

PennFusion-logodartmouth_big_greenRelly Ladner – Defender
Youth Club: Penn Fusion (PA)
Commitment: Dartmouth

Los Angeles Galaxy - JPEGdenver-universitySydney Sharp – Forward
Youth Club: LA Galaxy Southbay (CA)
Commitment: Denver

santabarbarasc-logocolorado-uAlexandra Palangi – Midfielder
Youth Club: Santa Barbara SC (CA)
Commitment: Colorado

WestFloridaFlames-logoFGCU_EaglesLander Peck – Midfielder
Youth Club: West Florida Flames (FL)
Commitment: Florida Gulf Coast

Class of 2020

MinnissotaAcademy-MN-logoNotre-Dame-Fighting-IrishPaige Peltier – Forward
Youth Club: Minnesota Thunder Academy (MN)
Commitment: Notre Dame

Featured Players

See Commitment List