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Global Mar 01, 2016

Alexandria Soccer to compete in EDP League

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Official Statement from Alexandria Soccer:

(Via Alexandria Soccer) – Many of ASA’s most competitive teams within the Travel program compete in the most advanced divisions of the local leagues here in the DMV (WAGS & NCSL). In an effort to support the team and player needs for higher level competition the ASA technical staff has (and will continue to) evaluate regional leagues and events. After considering the regions options ASA has added the Eastern Development Program (EDP) league as an option for our most competitive teams.

“The technical staff has been very impressed with the EDP staff’s level of professionalism and customized competitive experience they’ve been able to provide teams in their league and tournaments”, says Ryan Rich, ASA’s Technical Director. “With the addition EDP, the technical staff will have an even greater degree of league flexibility in order to provide a challenging and appropriate level schedule for all our Travel program teams.”

EDP is a highly-competitive league that features some of the best teams and clubs in the region including D.C. United, Bethesda, Baltimore Celtic and many more. Already this spring, several ASA teams will be participating in EDP and challenging themselves against strong competition. Check out some of the brackets by clicking here. According to Jen Marcella, EDP League Executive Director, “EDP is excited to welcome a regionally competitive and nationally recognized progressive club in Alexandria Soccer Association into our league structure. Alexandria’s inclusion will further solidify the already very competitive pool of clubs in the Southern region brackets promoting highly-competitive and appropriate level matches each week.”

In addition the league, ASA teams will also be able to compete in EDP’s top competitions and tournaments, including the EDP Cup and Showcase series this spring. “We look forward to having numerous Alexandria travel teams join us for the extremely competitive EDP tournaments this spring and in the future. The EDP tournament structure provides teams with a unique opportunity to showcase their abilities at world class venues against some of the country’s best teams”, says Bohdan Porytko, EDP Director of Tournaments.

Moving into the spring season, ASA is excited to see our teams benefit from the EDP league and tournament environment. The progression into regional leagues is another stepping stone in the clubs effort to support players at all levels. Providing appropriate level competition for all youth in our community, regardless of the program, is essential and at the core of ensuring a fun experience for all.

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