Cal South lifts suspension of activities, beginning return-to-play process

Cal South Soccer has lifted its suspension of activities, allowing members of the US Youth Soccer state association to begin following their return-to-play protocols.
The suspension was officially lifted on June 12, as the state of California is now in the early phases of its overall re-opening. Members of Cal South will be required to follow the association’s Return-to-Play Phases and Responsibilities. To view the Cal South return-to-play homepage, Click Here.
See below for the full message from the Cal South Board of Directors, announcing the lifting of its suspension of activities:
Dear Cal South Affiliates,
Cal South recently released our Prevention and Response Protocol as well as our Return-to-Play Phases and Responsibilities as adopted by our Board of Directors to facilitate the Return to Play (RTP) process for our affiliate members, athletes, administrators, parents and participants commensurate with the State of California and local agency guidelines stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Corresponding with existing and ongoing COVID-19 recovery requirements established by the State of California; the California Department of Public Health; and County and local agencies, effective June 12, 2020, Cal South is lifting its previously announced suspension, provided activities related to recovery are authorized by all governing agencies.
This action is taken to assist our affiliate members through the process of recovery while adhering to the requirements of the State of California, County, and local municipalities who are allowing activities to restart where authorized. Cal South sanctioned affiliates, using permitted fields (meaning you have secured approval from the municipality that owns the field and defines the terms of use) may conduct authorized and sanctioned activities including practices under the RTP. The RTP identifies the phases that are permitted as allowed by the respective municipality and government agencies.
Effective June 12, 2020, the Cal South RTP identifies our phased recovery trajectory to be utilized in conjunction with established guidelines and requirements of the Governor’s office and other agencies. Click here to download the full detail of Cal South Return to Play Phases and Responsibilities.
In addition to the requirements outlined in Cal South’s RTP Guidelines and Protocols, all affiliate members are required and expected to comply with local governing and health agency requirements for a return to activities.
Recognizing that recovery efforts within each of the ten (10) counties of Southern California in which Cal South has jurisdiction may occur at differing paces and levels, the Cal South Board of Directors and staff personnel are committed to working collaboratively with each affiliate member to assist you in the recovery effort moving forward. Additional announcements and correspondence will be forthcoming regarding specific District webinars and/or conference calls that may facilitate recovery efforts.
We are proud to acknowledge the outstanding work of our soccer community and commend our members for the care and attention in which you have managed and administered the initial impacts of the pandemic to date. As we begin the recovery effort together, we are reminded of our ongoing responsibility to administer these next phases of activities with continued diligence to ensure the safety and well-being of our athletes, administrators, and participants until we have achieved full recovery in subsequent weeks.
Please visit our website at to familiarize yourself further with our current RTP Guidelines, Protocols, and supporting documents. Should you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact the District Commissioner servicing your area or our staff at 714-778-2972 or [email protected]