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Youth Boys May 07, 2015

FC Milan becomes part of the new Commonwealth Futbol Club in Fredericksburg, Va.

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FREDERICKSBURG, VA (Via FC Milan) – FC Milan will be re-branding and becoming part of the new Commonwealth Futbol Club. All of the current players and teams associated with FC Milan will convert in the Fall of 2015. CFC will be holding open tryouts starting in May for all age groups, boys and girls, U-9 through U-18. Teams will play in WAGS, NCSL, ODSL and other club-centric leagues. CFC will also provide a significant tournament allowance for each team as part of the new program.

FC Milan founder and Training Director Tony Rogers will continue to provide year-round training for players as part of the Commonwealth Futbol Club staff. The Youth Academy (CFC Milan) will be for players through U-13. CFC will also launch a College Recruiting Preparation Program for all players U-14 and older run by former FASA General Manager Pete Cinalli, who will also serve as Director of Coaching for all teams U-14 and up.

“FC Milan Academy is taking another step forward for player development by offering a college prep program.” Rogers said. “The program will be embraced by Pete Cinalli who has a proven track record with placing kids in college. FC Milan will fall under the CFC umbrella.”

“I am really excited to be part of the Elite Player Development Program CFC will be implementing throughout all age groups, and providing individual and team guidance throughout the college recruiting years for all of our players,” Cinalli said. “It’s going to be a comprehensive program that will be able to develop players from when they start all the way through college, as opposed to recruiting players that have already been developed by other clubs.”

In addition to individual and team skills, CFC will provide strength training as well as speed and agility. This will include “Vertimax” as part of their comprehensive player development model. “Vertimax” is a resistance band-based product designed to improve quickness, build stabilizing muscles in younger players and increase strength and power for the older players.

“We will be building on the outstanding foundation that Tony has built at FC Milan, and the incredible individual skills of the players associated with his training program,” Cinalli said. “As these kids move towards and into high school, our enhanced program will provide the tools and guidance to help give them the opportunity to play in college, if that is a goal they have. We will insure each player receives the attention and support necessary.”
Commonwealth Futbol Club will be announcing tryout dates in the near future as well as launching a website and social media.

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