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The Girls Academy Jul 06, 2023

Girls Academy Finals kicking off Thursday with U14-U17 Quarterfinals

The Girls Academy Finals begin Thursday, July 6 as the U14-U17 age groups compete in the quarterfinals at Lou Fusz Athletic Training Center in Earth City, Missouri.

Alongside the GA Finals, which are being held from July 6-9, the GA National Talent ID Event is already underway, featuring many of the league’s top players from the 2006-2009 age groups. (ROSTERS)

While the U14-U17 divisions battle it out this week, the U13 and U19 age groups have already crowned their respective national champions. Tophat (U13) and Sockers FC (U19) claimed the first two GA national titles of the 2022-23 season during the GA Playoffs and Showcase in New Jersey.

(Players That Impressed: Girls Academy 2023 Summer Playoffs and Showcase)

To view live streams for the GA Finals, click here. To view a list of attending college coaches for the event, click here.

See below for a look at the U14-U17 quarterfinal matchups.

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