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Boys Mar 11, 2012

Live coverage of day 3 at 2012 Jefferson Cup boys weekend

\r\n\r\n10:00: <\/em><\/strong><\/em>Some of you soccer parents may be a bit confused as to how the point system works for the tournament. Below are the rules, courtesy of the Jefferson Cup.\r\n\r\nTeams will be awarded points on the following basis:<\/em>\r\nSix points for each Win\r\nThree points for each Tie\r\nZero points for each Loss\r\nOne point for each goal scored up to a max of three (3) per game. Losing teams receive points also.\r\nOne point for each shutout\r\n\r\nExamples:\r\nA 0-0 tie will be scored as 4 points for each team (3 for tie, 1 for shutout)\r\nA 4-2 game will be scored as 9 points for the winning team (6 for win, 3 for goals) and 2 points to the losing team (2 for goals).\r\n\r\nIn the event of a tie in points at the end of bracket play; the winner for advancement to the semifinals or finals will be determined as follows:\r\n1. The winner in head-to-head competition. (If there is a three-team tie, proceed to the next tie breaker)\r\n2. Goal differential, max of +\/-3 per game (Team wins 4-0, only gets +3 GD, losing team gets -3)\r\n3. Goals For (max 5 goals per game)\r\n4. Goals Against (max 5 goals per game)\r\n5. Shoot-Outs*\r\n\r\nWhen the tiebreaker system is used, the criteria are followed from 1 through 4 until one team is eliminated and then the criteria starts over again at Rule #1. Rules are repeated until one team remains.\r\n\r\n*All Shoot-Outs for 1st in Divisional play will be at 7:30am Sunday morning or time determined by the tournament director and at a field location determined by the tournament director. Ties between 2nd and 3rd in division play leading to both teams playing consolation games will be decided by the above criteria; except for #5 Shoot-Outs. These ties will be decided by the discretion of the Tournament Director.\r\n\r\nResolving Ties in Semi-Final and Final Match:<\/em>\r\nIf the semi-final or finals match are tied at the end of regulation time, the teams will be given a five minute rest. The following will decide the match:\r\n· Overtime will be tw0 five-minute periods with substitutions allowed. Overtime will not be sudden death. Overtime is played 11v11 (minus any send-offs)\r\n· If teams remain even at the end of overtime the game will be decided by penalty kicks, as outlined in the Laws of the Game; using only the players remaining on the field at the end of overtime.\r\n\r\n–\r\n\r\n9:30: <\/em><\/strong> Events are well underway today as the cup is in its final day. Several lovely matches to view, so make sure you get out there and have some fun. At the moment, in U11 Championship, Bethesda BSC Blue 2000 holds a comfortable 3-0 lead over Richmond Kickers Elite. In U12 Championship, Beach FC U12 Pratt advanced to the final with a narrow 2-1 win over Richmond Kickers Elite White. The Virginia Beach club will play Greensboro United 99, as the North Carolina squad saw off SYA 99 Cardinals Red 3-2 with a last-second goal. The final will be at noon on field six at Striker Park.\r\n\r\n–\r\n\r\n8:00 am:<\/strong> It’s all about closure today at the Jefferson Cup. In the younger age groups, Striker Park has some under-12 semifinals in 8v8 action basically starting right now, while the other age groups finish \”group play\” to see who stays for an 2nd game and who heads for the cars. There’s a huge match for the pure soccer fan in all of us over at West Creek right now with two undefeated U17 Championship teams squaring off on field 7. (Hope all you college coaches got up nice and early after the mixer last night at Keagan’s). Hope you enjoyed the video above, and check back around 9 for some more updates.”,
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