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US Club Jul 29, 2020

NEFC expands reach in Massachusetts with new region and partner club

Mendon, MA – New England Futbol Club (NEFC) has announced the addition of a new region in Blackstone Valley, along with a new club partner in Hammer FC.

The NEFC Blackstone Valley Region will bring Fortis FC under the NEFC umbrella. Fortis FC was formed in the Fall of 2016 with a goal of establishing a player and team-centered approach, over a results-oriented environment.

The NEFC Blackstone Valley Region will encompass players from Brimfield, the Brookfields, Charlton, Dudley, Webster, Holland, Douglas, Millbury, Wales, Oxford, Sutton, Spencer, Sturbridge, Southbridge, Auburn, Leicester, Uxbridge, Northbridge, Blackstone, and Millville.

Heading up NEFC Blackstone Valley will be Mike Elster, who will be the Director of Coaching in this region. Coach Elster will also be taking on the reigns in the NEFC Wachusett region and will look to add to the existing programming from surrounding towns.

“With Mike’s experience and knowledge of this region and with the full support of NEFC and its resources, we are excited to establish a new foothold in the Blackstone Valley area which will provide players a platform to play for NEFC and opportunities for players to become ingrained in the club through additional programing” commented James Hamblin, NEFC General Manager.

The partnership with Hammer FC will aim to provide a pathway for the club’s best players under the leadership of Hank George. Hammer Futbol Club is one of Massachusetts’ most diverse clubs with multiple Division I teams and championships to their credit.

“Having a partner in NEFC Hammer and Hank George is paramount in the mission of NEFC to provide an elite Player Pathway for the very best players exposing them to opportunities at the highest levels” said Hamblin, NEFC General Manager.

Both the NEFC Blackstone Valley Region and the NEFC Hammer partnership will commence immediately.

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Forward, Midfielder
Forward, Midfielder
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