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US Club May 26, 2022

Top performers selected from US Club Soccer id2 Regional Training Camps

CHARLESTON, S.C. – A collection of top performers from the past two US Club Soccer id2 Regional Training Camps last month have been selected by the id2 directors, including the ultimate Best XI for boys and girls.

The id2 West Regional Training Camp was held April 22-24 in Davis, California, while the id2 East Regional Training Camp was hosted April 29-May 1 in Richmond, Virginia. In total, 125 players from 74 clubs throughout the country participated in multi-faceted identification and development opportunities.

These athletes were challenged on and off the field with training sessions, scrimmages and off-the-field presentations. The camps served as the conclusion to the age group cycle that targeted top boys born in 2008 and girls born in 2007, which was abbreviated due to COVID-19 impacts.

Based on standout performances at the camps, id2 directors Gerry McKeown (boys) and Tricia Taliaferro (girls) selected 22 top performers from both camps and also named their Best XI.

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