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Global Apr 22, 2015

U.S. U-15 BNT to face Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay in June friendlies

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CHICAGO (Via U.S. Soccer) – The U.S. Under-15 Boys’ National Team will play a trio of friendly matches against South American National Teams during its second training camp of the year to be held from June 4-13 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Roster details for the nine-day camp will be announced at a later date.

The U-15’s will play Uruguay on June 8, matchup against host Argentina on June 10 and round out the trip against Paraguay on June 12.

“It is always an important experience for our young players to compete against the South America soccer powers of Argentina, Uruguay & Paraguay, U-15 BNT head coach John Hackworth said. “Perhaps just as important is also the valuable learning experience of playing in such an amazing soccer culture as Argentina. The history, passion and environment will undoubtedly provide our team a unique opportunity.”

Additionally, Hackworth’s group will also be traveling to Gradisca d’Isonzo, Italy, this week to compete in the 12th Tournament Delle Nazioni. The USA’s 20-player roster has been drawn into Group C of the tournament alongside Slovenia, Costa Rica and Croatia and is set to open play on April 25.

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