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US Club Mar 05, 2012

US Club Soccer’s id² Program Training Camp in Raleigh to include EXACT Sports mental training program

US Club Soccer will be partnering with EXACT Sports to bring a mental training and education program to the id2 Program Training Camp March 15-18 in Raleigh, N.C. EXACT Sports will make presentations to the players on various mental aspects and how they impact athletic performance.

Participants in the id2 Program Training Camp in Raleigh will also have the opportunity to complete the online Mental Achievement Program (the MAP), a sports behavior training tool that helps players understand the mental component of the game and lays the groundwork for a presentation at the camp.

“The id2 Program Training Camps are designed to be an identification program but also to provide players with information and resources that will help them continue their development after the camp ends,” said US Club Soccer Executive Vice President Christian Lavers. “EXACT Sports provides a unique approach to working with youth athletes and introducing a mental performance strategy that they can take home and apply day in and day out.”

The MAP is a short behavioral survey that provides coaches and players with feedback on intangibles such as leadership, self-confidence, training attitudes, and achievement motivation. The program is used by over 100 NCAA teams, the National Hockey League, teams in professional baseball, and elite level youth programs.

“Our goal is to give these athletes the foundation to make the mental component a conscious part of their game,” said EXACT’s Simon Clements. “A program like id2 allows us to present this information to athletes just as they begin to view themselves more seriously as an athlete.”

The Raleigh event will be held at WRAL Soccer Center and is the first of two spring 2012 id2 Program Training Camps, which are invitation-only events that bring together the nation’s top male and female youth players for four days of competition, evaluation and fun. U.S. Soccer National Team staff, top coaches from around the country, and elite guest coaches and players attend id2 Program Training Camps.

In addition to the on-field sessions, id2 Program Training Camps feature guest speakers, lectures/classroom sessions and other offerings, which make for a complete experience. Once players arrive at the id2 Program Training Camp, the program is free of charge. There is no camp fee, and lodging, meals and training gear are provided at no cost by US Club Soccer and Nike.

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