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USYS Dec 21, 2020

US Youth Soccer National League provides scheduling updates for 2021 events

FRISCO, Texas — US Youth Soccer has announced the new dates for USYS National League North Carolina, which will take place Feb. 26 through March 1 in Greensboro, N.C.

National League North Carolina is set to feature the teams who were scheduled to compete at the original event in early December. The field of teams includes girls sides in the 15U-19U age groups, with both showcase and playoff matches set for each age group. The showcase matches will take place Feb. 26-28, while the playoff matches will be held Feb. 27 through March 1.

Additionally, National League North Carolina will have limited spots open to girls showcase teams in the 14U-19U age groups and boys showcase teams in the 14U-19U age groups.

>> Click here to view the list of teams that carry over from the December dates

All games taking place at National League North Carolina will be filmed and available at no cost to teams, families and scouts following the event.

The National League Showcase Series provides cross-Conference matchups against teams from differing parts of the country — testing each player to adapt to various styles of play and new challenges that arise when facing uncommon opponents.

Meanwhile, the National League Playoffs provide a platform to determine the National League representatives to the annual USYS National Championships. National League North Carolina will feature 48 total girls teams competing in the Playoffs, with 16 teams in the 15U age group and eight apiece in the 16U-19U age groups.

The Showcase Series and Playoffs comprise the national tier of the National League. At the multi-state tier, the National League features 13 Conferences that provide high-level league competition, as well as a pathway for advancement to the regional stage of the USYS National Championship Series.

For more information on the National League, including the Conferences, Showcase Series and Playoffs, visit the National League homepage.


The showcase teams that were scheduled to play at National League Tampa or National League Sarasota will have the option to attend National League North Carolina (Feb. 26 – March 1), pending the availability of spots.

One or more additional event options — including a primary Playoff event — for later in the spring will also be made available, and details will be announced in early January. These events will also be open to girls showcase teams.

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