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Global Jun 01, 2012

WAGS resumes play after holiday break

By Jimmy LaRoue

The Washington Area Girls Soccer League takes to the field again with a full slate of games this weekend following a break for the Memorial Day holiday.

Here’s a review of the current division leaders:

U-12 Division 1 – Bethesda Academy Blue 8-1-0, 2.67 ppg

U-12 Division 2 – LMVS Patriots Red 6-0-2, 2.50 ppg

U-12 Division 3 – Freestate Freedom Red 6-2-1, 2.11 ppg

U-12 Division 4 – MSC Thunder 6-1-1

U-12 Division 5B – NVSC Jr. Majestics 99 Blue 8-1-0, 2.67 ppg

U-12 Division 5C – BAC United 5-0-2, 2.43 ppg

U-12 Division 5D – SYA Synergy White 8-0-0, 3.00 ppg

U-13 Division 1 – ASA Azzurri 5-0-1, 2.67 ppg

U-13 Division 2 – Reston United 98 4-1-1, 2.17 ppg

U-13 Division 3 – WSC CASA 98 4-0-2, 2.33 ppg

U-13 Division 4 Green – MSC Stallions 98 5-1-1, 2.29 ppg, FSC Revolution 98 5-1-1, 2.29 ppg

U-13 Division 4 White – Alexandria Revolution White 6-0-1, 2.71 ppg

U-13 Division 5E – Chantilly Phoenix 6-1-0, 2.57 ppg

U-13 Division 5J – Chantilly Magic 5-1-0, 2.50 ppg

U-13 Division 5M – SSA Magic 5-1-1, 2.29 ppg

Last week: SSA Magic 5-1-0, 2.50 ppg

U-13 Division 5R – EPIC Blizzard 6-2-0, 2.25 ppg

U-14 Division 1 – MSC Coyotes White 5-1-2, 2.13 ppg

U-14 Division 2 – SSA Blink Magic 3-0-4, 1.86 ppg

U-14 Division 3 – SEVP Tsunami 4-0-3, 2.14 ppg

U-14 Division 4 – MPS 97 Extreme Green 5-1-1, 2.29 ppg

U-14 Division 5 – FCSC Fever 5-0-3, 2.25 ppg

U-14 Pre Divisional Program – BAC Fire & Ice 5-1-0, 2.50 ppg

U-15 Division 1 –  DC Stoddert Metros Blue 96 5-0-1, 2.67 ppg

U-15 Division 2 – TSC Thunder Extreme 4-0-2, 2.33 ppg

U-15 Division 3 – SMU Rockets 4-1-2, 2.00 ppg

U-15 Division 4 – Alexandria Thunder 5-0-2, 2.43 ppg

U-15 Division 5 – SASA Revolution 96 White 7-0-1, 2.75 ppg

U-16 Division 4 – FC Frederick 6-0-0, 3.00 ppg

U-16 Division 5 – SYA Arsenal 6-0-0, 3.00 ppg

U-17 Division 4 – VISTA BC United 5-0-1, 2.67 ppg

U-17 Division 5 – ODFC Lightning 95 6-0-1, 2.71 ppg

U-19 Division 4 – FC Frederick 7-0-0, 3.00 ppg, GSC Elite 5-0-0, 3.00 ppg

High School Division 1 – Bethesda Storm 5-1-0, 2.50 ppg

High School Division 2 – MSC Pride 5-0-1, 2.67 ppg

High School Division 3 – ASA Arundel Blast 5-1-1, 2.29 ppg

Last week: ASA Arundel Blast 5-1-0, 2.50 ppg

+See complete WAGS game results/schedules/standings by age and division here ]

[+WAGS teams who won State Cups, President Cups or were finalists in each ]

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