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How young is too young to commit to a college soccer program?

Does anyone really think that committing to college soccer as a middle schooler is a good idea?'s Dr. Wendy Lebolt further examines the trend of early college recruitment in girls' soccer after last week's New York Times article.

Advice Feb 04, 2014

Taking Action Against Concussions: Eight things you can do with your team right now

Concussion awareness and education is everywhere. But does knowledge help prevention? contributor Dr. Wendy Lebolt argues that we don't need to wait on more education or legislation. Coaches and parents can be the change those kids need now using these tips.

Advice Jan 27, 2014

Want them to play with urgency? Tell them the final whistle is about to sound

Can a whistle really be the most powerful force in a young palyer's life? Only if it’s the “final” whistle. Both athletes and coaches discover the urgency when the last seconds tick down. Wouldn’t it be great if we could harness this mindset -- this final-minute push -- in the development of our young athletes? But how, asks Dr. Wendy Lebolt in this week's Kicking Fit blog post.

Advice Jan 21, 2014

Three strategies to help avoid soccer injuries: Safety, Gear, Move

Dr. Wendy LeBolt is back with a three-pronged strategy for injury prevention in soccer with her latest entry in our Kicking Fit blog on Read why footwear is a major factor, and maybe even pick up some advice to help those soccer tots keep their shoelaces tied!

Advice Jan 14, 2014

Should we teach gamesmanship in youth soccer?

Gamesmanship is rife at many levels of soccer, leading John O'Sullivan to pose the question: “What should we be teaching our young players about these situations where breaking the rules can led to great success and minimal punishment for the offender?”

Advice Jan 09, 2014

The key to sustaining your resolution: A good coach

Making resolutions is easy. Keeping them is hard. In fact, only eight percent of us will keep them, says Dr. Wendy Lebolt, who offers some useful strategies for making your athlete's 2014 plans stick.

Advice Jan 07, 2014

Chalk Talk: How defensive pressure changes a goalkeeper’s positioning's Liviu Bird analyzes the tactics of how defensive pressure changes a goalkeeper's positioning.

Advice Jan 03, 2014
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Five thoughts that will change your youth soccer experience for the better

Changing the Game Project founder and youth soccer parenting expert John O'Sullivan shares five thoughts that will change your youth soccer experience for the better, supported by some eye-opening statistics.

Advice Jan 03, 2014

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