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What are you buying when you pay for a coach?

This week we continue the conversation from Dr. Lebolt's last post, "How much is a good coach worth?" It’s more important than ever that team parents and administrators who are making the decision about finding and hiring a coach know what they’re getting. Your kid is a precious commodity; you want the best for him or her. Here’s how.

Advice Dec 27, 2013
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My 10-year-old is a star, now what? Advice on parenting, coaching elite young players

A lot of time and attention in the coaching world can be spent helping parents of young players who struggle to keep up technically or physically with the game compared to others, but what if your son or daughter is the elite player, the coach’s favorite, the one who plays all the games, never gets subbed, and is asked to play on every all star team around? You have just as much work ahead of you, sometimes even more.

Advice Dec 24, 2013

How much is a good coach worth?

How much do you really know about that guy or gal who showed up to coach your team? With the explosion of youth soccer in the U.S., many clubs are beating the bushes for coaches at the grassroots level, and that means parents should try to become discerning observers, says Dr. Wendy Lebolt.

Advice Dec 17, 2013

Shin splint season: Danger looms when athletes change playing surfaces

The cold and shortened days are driving us indoors – if we can find space (!) – for training and play. Lots of kids who have been soccering all fall will take a break (as advised in last week’s post) and play winter basketball or run winter (“indoor”) track. Just watch out when they change surfaces, notes Dr. Wendy Lebolt.

Advice Nov 26, 2013

Grip and Rip! Why we’re shopping for soccer cleats all wrong

Personal trainer and youth coach Jennifer Schwartz recently went shopping for new soccer shoes, and the questionable designs she saw on the shelves gave her pause, as she explains in her new blog post for

Advice Nov 22, 2013

The injury you can’t see

An athlete who is sidelined with a sports injury has to battle through more than the physical repair and recovery. Downtime, where they aren’t allowed to participate or compete, is especially hard on an athlete, as blogger Dr. Wendy Lebolt explains in this week's entry.

Advice Oct 17, 2013

The upside of injuries: Expect a silver lining

Have you or one of your young players suffered a serious injury? Dr. Wendy Lebolt suggests that such setbacks can prove to be extremely positive forces in athletes' lives as their recovery process unlocks new skills and perspectives.

Advice Oct 10, 2013

It’s injury prevention – just don’t tell the kids contributor Dr. Wendy Lebolt returns with a blog post about the sometimes taboo, but increasingly important, training specialization known as injury prevention.

Advice Sep 08, 2013

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