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GRIT: The missing ingredient

Can we measure "grit" and determination in athletes well enough to predict future success? As John O'Sullivan explains, recent research suggests we're not far off.

Resources Dec 03, 2013

You can’t blame them for breaking the rules

When kids move from recreational to travel soccer, the rules change -- but we often forget to explain this new world to the kids, writes SoccerWire blogger Dr. Wendy Lebolt' in her latest post.

Resources Dec 03, 2013

Shin splint season: Danger looms when athletes change playing surfaces

The cold and shortened days are driving us indoors – if we can find space (!) – for training and play. Lots of kids who have been soccering all fall will take a break (as advised in last week’s post) and play winter basketball or run winter (“indoor”) track. Just watch out when they change surfaces, notes Dr. Wendy Lebolt.

Resources Nov 26, 2013

Grip and Rip! Why we’re shopping for soccer cleats all wrong

Personal trainer and youth coach Jennifer Schwartz recently went shopping for new soccer shoes, and the questionable designs she saw on the shelves gave her pause, as she explains in her new blog post for

Resources Nov 22, 2013

Can players afford to take time off?

Feeling pressure to keep your team fit and sharp over the holiday period? blogger Dr. Wendy Lebolt has an important message for you: This is a time of year when the work you DON'T do may actually be more important to future success.

Resources Nov 20, 2013

Our unhealthy obsession with childhood athletic success

From the Little League World Series to “American Idol,” we have an unhealthy obsession with 'discovering' the next generation of great youth talent in this country, especially when it comes to sports. John O'Sullivan believes this process is fundamentally flawed, and explains why I am not saying it is bad to identify talent. Our problem lies in how we define talent at the youngest ages, how and when we select it, and what we do with our newly discovered “talent.”

Resources Nov 19, 2013

More important than talent? The willingness to suffer

Noted author and youth sports expert John O'Sullivan makes his debut with a blog post about one of the pivotal characteristics for young athletes truly committed to reaching an elite level.

Resources Nov 14, 2013

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