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Chapter 16: CHOOSE YOUR COACH – ROOKIE: Surviving Your Freshman Year of College Soccer

Your college coach doesn’t want to compete with other coaches for your undivided attention. The day you leave for college is the day you need to jettison your other coaches, and that may include your parents.

Resources Feb 01, 2016

Chapter 17: HE’S NOT PSYCHIC – ROOKIE: Surviving Your Freshman Year of College Soccer

Don’t expect your coach to know things that you don’t tell him. If you show up to practice in a funk and that negatively affects the way you’re playing, there’s a pretty good chance you’re going to hear about it from your coach.

Resources Feb 01, 2016

Chapter 18: MIND YOUR PRONOUNS – ROOKIE: Surviving Your Freshman Year of College Soccer

When you approach your coach to speak about an issue, speak on your own behalf. Casually expanding your pronouns won’t camouflage your agenda. Be an adult and say what you need to say. Have the conviction to present your case on its own merits instead of trying to fluff it up with support from phantom teammates.

Resources Feb 01, 2016

Chapter 19: BE ON TIME – ROOKIE: Surviving Your Freshman Year of College Soccer

If you want to announce your predilection for irresponsibility, show up late for team functions. Coaches are fanatics about getting things started on time. You need to know this going in.

Resources Feb 01, 2016

Chapter 20: DELIVER BAD NEWS – ROOKIE: Surviving Your Freshman Year of College Soccer

Somewhere along the line there’s a chance that you’ll stumble into some real trouble. I hope that’s not the case, but life happens. Whether that trouble involves your R.A. or your biology professor or the local police force, rest assured that your coach will find out.

Resources Feb 01, 2016

Chapter 21: NEVER LIE – ROOKIE: Surviving Your Freshman Year of College Soccer

When you report for your first season, you have several unblemished character traits, and one of them is your credibility. It will behoove you greatly to protect it.

Resources Feb 01, 2016

Chapter 22: SAY THANK YOU – ROOKIE: Surviving Your Freshman Year of College Soccer

If you want to get college coaches into a frenzied conversation, mention the word entitlement.

Resources Feb 01, 2016

Chapter 23: IT’S A JOB – ROOKIE: Surviving Your Freshman Year of College Soccer

Make no mistake about it; college soccer is a job. That will never be more clear than at 6 A.M. on an early August morning when you hear the alarm you could swear you set just five minutes earlier.

Resources Feb 01, 2016

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