
The Coach’s Guide to Teaching: 4 keys for youth soccer coaches
Recap of the ECNL Podcast.
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Lesson for a Young Soccer Coach
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When a coach’s time is up: Behind the scenes of Sigi Schmid’s Seattle exit
A U.S. soccer coaching icon exited the limelight on Tuesday, as the struggling Seattle Sounders parted company with the only head coach they've ever had. Charles Boehm delves into the story behind the departure of Sigi Schmid.

Dure: Are pro coaches really better than parents?
It's been said that soccer coaches get better when they become parents. Beau Dure wonders: Are professional coaches, with no kids on the team and often no kids back at home, really an improvement over parent coaches?

Dure: Coaches need to get a grip on goal-kick fever
We’ve seen it in Under-9 and U-10 games, over and over: Goal kicks are all too often the opposition's best chance to score. Beau Dure investigates this recurring bugaboo and its disastrous effects on player development.

Dure: Rained out? Use TV and YouTube to teach the game
When spring rains soak our youth soccer playing fields, we give thanks for artificial turf. Where turf isn’t available, we’re running out of ideas. How many toe taps can a kid do in the basement? But there’s one thing youth players can do to keep learning the game. It’s a crazy idea, but it works for some people: Watch a soccer game, writes Beau Dure.

Dure: “Development vs. winning” can be taken to extremes in youth soccer
“Development over winning” is a great philosophy. We’ve seen too many coaches who go to the other extreme, yelling themselves hoarse and refusing to let players figure out the game from different positions and perspectives. Like most philosophies, though, it can be taken to absurd lengths, writes Beau Dure.

RIP Johan Cruyff: Soccer pays tribute to an all-time legend
One of soccer's all-time greats passed away on Thursday, as Dutch legend Johan Cruyff succumbed to lung cancer at age 68. Tributes have flowed in from media outlets around the world, and deservingly so. Here's a brief sampling of some of our favorites.

Dure: USL coaches insist they’re not just farming for the future
Save the “winning vs. development” talk for youth soccer. USL coaches want to win. That’s the message as North America's third-tier professional league kicks off its 2016 season this weekend, writes Beau Dure.

Dure: No full-time travel before age 12? Momentum is growing
Should the whole concept of "travel soccer" be limited to kids at U-12 and older? It's what some smart development experts have long suggested, and Beau Dure makes a strong case for the idea on his latest SoccerWire column.