Player Development

Which Clubs Have The Most USMYNT Players? (June 2023-June 2024)
List of current USMYNT players by club.
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O’Sullivan: Can Players First fix American youth soccer?
'Changing the Game Project' founder and longtime coach John O'Sullivan conducted a Q&A with US Club Soccer CEO Kevin Payne on the organization's new 'Players First' initiative, which they are calling a "branded, holistic club soccer experience for parents and players." Read the full transcript along with O'Sullivan's take on the program.

Dure: “Development vs. winning” can be taken to extremes in youth soccer
“Development over winning” is a great philosophy. We’ve seen too many coaches who go to the other extreme, yelling themselves hoarse and refusing to let players figure out the game from different positions and perspectives. Like most philosophies, though, it can be taken to absurd lengths, writes Beau Dure.

Dure: No full-time travel before age 12? Momentum is growing
Should the whole concept of "travel soccer" be limited to kids at U-12 and older? It's what some smart development experts have long suggested, and Beau Dure makes a strong case for the idea on his latest SoccerWire column.

Hummer: Best way to keep soccer parents quiet while maximizing player development
What if young players could learn and develop without parents and coaches arguing a referee’s calls? U9-U10 players experienced that at this past weekend's CCL ScrimmageFest, and Executive Editor Chris Hummer explains why this referee-less environment is the most conducive to player development.