SoccerWire is publishing Q&A articles with recently-committed players who have Featured Profiles in the SoccerWire Recruiting Directory. The series allows players to share their stories on the college recruiting process, travel and high school soccer, and their passion for the beautiful game.

In this edition we will showcase Berklee McAllister, who has verbally committed to play NCAA Division I soccer in 2025 at Arkansas at Little Rock. McAllister plays travel soccer in the ECNL and ECNL Regional League for Solar SC.

SoccerWire: What made you decide to commit to Arkansas-Little Rock?

Berklee McAllister: I really felt like the coaches and admissions staff were making an effort to not only recruit me as a player, but a person as well. They took so much time out of their day to ask questions about things completely unrelated to soccer, to really get to know me and they encouraged me to take my time when making my decision about committing while assuring me I would receive any and all support needed if I chose UALR. It was such a big decision for me and it meant a lot that they gave me time to process it all.

SW: What was the recruiting process like and what did you learn about yourself while going through it?

BM: The recruiting process for me was very chaotic and honestly a roller coaster of emotions at times. I had coaches very interested one minute and then completely ghost me the next. i won’t sugar coat anything…recruiting is not for the weak minded and persistence and confidence in what you can offer to soccer programs is everything! Towards the end of my recruiting journey, Little Rock reached out to me and they really wanted me. I went on a visit, spent a good amount of time talking to current players and the coaches, watching them scrimmage, touring campus, etc. I received a verbal offer a week later, talked it through with my family, and decided that Little Rock couldn’t be any more of a perfect fit for me.

SW: How has social media helped you with the college recruiting process?

BM: For me, X was my biggest platform for exposure. I posted my highlights from games on there and I was very persistent about tagging coaches in those posts and following up with an email each time. As time went on, I began to gain more and more exposure through callouts by soccer media platforms and through groups of 2025 soccer friends which also attracted followers. I had coaches DM me on X and ask for my schedule and then send me ID camp information and a great deal of information on their soccer programs. I feel like I’ve lived on X and my email for the last two years and I’m so grateful that it paid off.

SW: What are your favorite subjects in school and what do you think you would like to study in college?
BM: My favorite subjects in school are probably medical terminology and math. I would love to study biology in college, or more specifically Pre-Med as I want to be an anesthesiologist when I grow up.

SW: Outside of soccer, what clubs, organizations, and/or jobs are you involved in?
BM: I am involved with the National Spanish Honor Society at my high school and FCA. I also train younger soccer players in my free time.

SW: What has your experience been like playing for Solar SC?

BM: I have played for Solar since I was 7 years old and I have honestly loved every moment of it. I have only been with two coaches on my soccer journey and they both helped me a tremendous amount in different ways. My team has always been my second family and I love how all of the Solar teams come together to support each other all the time. It’s been an amazing ride and I’ve always been so proud to play for Solar.

SW: How do you pump yourself up for a game? Do you have any pregame rituals or things that you like to do?

BM: Every gameday I have the same routine. I wake up early and decompress for 15-20 minutes, then I get up and play my pregame playlist while I’m eating and envision the game for the day and what my success within that game will look like. I always drink a can of Red Bull on my drive to a game and eat a chocolate peanut butter crunch bar. I have two hairstyles that I alternate on game days…a high pony bubble braid with pink or black pre-wrap or a slick back pony tail braid.

SW: What are your favorite pair of soccer cleats?

BM: My favorite pair of soccer cleats are my current pair of cleats which are the Phantom Luna Thunder Pack cleats with the sock.

SW: If you could give one piece of advice to a younger player that wants to play soccer at a high level what would it be?

BM: You have to stay on the grin always and don’t let a single person ruin your love for the game.

SW: Is there anyone that you would like to give a shoutout to who has helped you both on and off of the field?

BM: Yes! I have several very special people who have made me the player I am. I’d love to thank Justin Pinckney (private trainer), Lee Benting (skills coach), Sal Adames (current coach), Charles Byars (first Solar coach). These individuals have seen me through so much and I am unbelievably grateful to them. I would also like to thank sports photographer, Ken Murphy, for always believing in me and for his support over the last year.