Featured Tournament

SC del Sol Presidents’ Day Tournament (PDT 2024)
Tournament Information
The Original Presidents’ Day Tournament is 45 years old!
Many thanks to all of the teams, coaches, players, and families that joined us for PDT 2023. This legendary, highly selective event has cemented itself as one of the top tournaments in the country.
Thousands of spectators, coaches, and the local news media descend upon Arizona every February to watch thousands of players showcase their talents at PDT. All accepted teams will play four highly competitive games over the course of the weekend. It is a true festival of elite soccer!
Our aim is to provide all teams with appropriate-length games in a world-class setting. Only the best soccer sites in Arizona are selected: Legacy Sports Park and Reach 11Sports Complex.
PDT has a long history of connecting outstanding players with outstanding colleges. The return rate of college coaches is unrivaled. In 2022, over 200 college coaches attended from Division 1, 2, and 3 colleges as well as NAIA and Junior Colleges.
SC del Sol’s PDT: Great players, great teams, great fields, great location!
Presidents’ Day Tournament FAQs
What days will our games be played?
Answer: If you play Friday night, you will most likely play one game per day. Otherwise, if you do not play Friday, you will play 2- 1-1 (2Sat, 1Sun, 1Mon) or 1-2-1 (1Sat, 2Sun, 1Mon).
When are the last games on Monday?
Answer: The last scheduled start time on Monday is historically 1:15 as we try to have games completed by 3:00.
Where will we play our games?
Answer: U12-U15 boys and girls will play at Reach 11 Sports Complex. If necessary to accommodate the number of teams, we will have additional fields at Rose Mofford Sports Complex.
U16-19 boys and girls will play at Legacy Sports Complex. If necessary to accommodate the number of teams, will have additional fields at Red Mountain Sports Complex.
Do I have to use Event Connect for hotels if I attend PDT?
Answer: Yes, PDT is a stay-and-play event. You must use Event Connect to book your hotel.
When is the application deadline?
Answer: The application deadline is December 1, 2023.