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US Youth Soccer East Region ODP Girls 2007 Roster (2023-24 Season)

US Youth Soccer has revealed the Olympic Development Program (ODP) rosters for all four regions as the 2023-24 season is set to begin.

First Name Last Name State Association
Alexandra Fernandes MA
Amber Liu PA-E
Amelie Donzo NY-E
Elizabeth Schoeneberger CT
Braelynn Tomanio VA
Brynn Schneider NY-E
Carolyn Kelly PA-E
Catalina Gomez-Velez RI
Crystal Knoell NY-E
Elsa Freeman ME
Finley Brown ME
Grace McCasland VT
Lilia Mack NY-W
McKenna Maguire NH
Naomi Nnewihe NJ
Oceanna Orlandi RI
Ryan Weigand DE
Sophia Hall PA-E
Coach Title Coach Name Programs Involved With
Head Coach Eric Teepe Fairleigh Dickinson University
Assistant Coach Cameron Fertenbaugh Georgetown University
Coach Name Teams Programs Involved With
Sarah Leiby 2006 and 2007 Dartmouth College
Lucy Gillett 2008 and 2009 Long Island University
Sydney Kahan 2010 and 2011 Assumption University

Featured Players

Forward, Defender
See Commitment List